Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Speaking at BayFuBai Event Sunday on Open Networking

I'm a member of a networking group called BayFuBai, composed mostly of Chinese and Chinese American professionals in the Silicon Valley area. I've been invited to speak at this Sunday afternoon's meeting.

The title of my talk is: "How being an open networker can help you in your career".

Here's a brief description of the talk:

What does it mean to be an open networker? What are some of its advantages and disadvantages? What is the theory of weak links and how will it help you in your career? If you decide to try out being an open networker, what are some concrete ways to do so? In this workshop, Josh will share some thoughts on why it may be advantageous to be an open networker. He will also provider specific suggestions on how to try out being an open networker for career advancement.

Here are the event details:

Date & Time: Sunday, 10/18/09, 3:30 PM PST
Location: Google Building 46 (Near Huff Ave and Charleston Ave in Mountain View)

If you're in the Bay Area and are interested in attending, please come by!


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