Monday, December 19, 2005


Network with a recruiter

It's been a few days since my last post. This past Friday, I had a good chat with Brian Anderson. He is the President of the BA Search Group. In addition to being an executive recruiter, he is also an executive/career coach. Brian writes a very good blog, it's definitely worth taking a look.

In our careers, we will either receive a call from an executive recruiter, or initiate a call to one. My suggestion is to cultivate a good relationship with as many recruiters as possible. Always take their call, and call them back if they leave you a message. Even if you are not interested in a position, you can learn more about it. Perhaps a friend of yours may be a good person to recommend to the recruiter as someone to talk to.

If you are a member of an alumni group such as the Anderson Jobs Yahoo Group, you can suggest that the recruiter forward you the job description and you can send it to the group. This way, not only are you serving as a valuable resource to the recruiter, you are also serving as a valuable resource to your alumni (or any other professional) group.


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