Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Ping Your Network With Useful Content

Two weeks ago, I re-subscribed to the Harvard Business Review. I subscribed to the premium membership, so I can search and read the archives online. While browsing the website, I came across this really good article on networking: How to Build Your Network.

This gave me an idea. Why don't I "ping" some my contacts on LinkedIn by sending them a copy of this very useful article? One thing that I have learned about networking is that it is very difficult to keep in touch with people. People move, change jobs, change emails, etc. Unless you ping them every now and then, you may lose touch with them. So, it's a good idea to send them an email (personalized if possible) to stay in touch. I used to ping people with a weekly email, but then I stopped. Now it's more like a couple of times a year.

I exported my contacts from LinkedIn to a CSV file. I selected those contacts that are in the US. Over the course of a few days, I used Microsoft Word's mail merge feature with Outlook to send them a personalized email. Here's what is in my email:


I came across this good article on networking in Harvard Business Review, and thought you may find it helpful:

Simply click on the link below to be taken directly to the full text of the article. You can access this content as often as you wish while the December 2005 issue is current. This article is estimated to be available until December 29th.

How to Build Your Network
Brian Uzzi, Shannon Dunlap
December 2005 Issue
Reprint #R0512B

Access this article now by clicking on the link below:


So, how can I help you to be more successful? Are there any professionals you are trying to network with? Feel free to reply to this email, or even better, let's schedule a short phone conversation. It would be good to catch up.



After I sent this email, a huge number of people responded, which is what I was hoping for.

Bottom line: Try to ping the people in your network with some good and useful content every once in a while. It could be a good article, a recommendation of a book, blog, activity, or networking event.


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