Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Network With Harvard Alums
I will be going back up to Boston on March 11th, 2006, for the first ever Harvard Radcliffe Asian American Alumni Reunion dinner and dance. I'm honored that the current officers of the organization asked me to be one of the honorary hosting committee members. I look forward to reconnecting with some old friends, as well as meeting others on the honorary committee who graduated more recently.
If you have any friends who attended Harvard and may be interested in the reunion, please forward them information about this great networking event.
My general recommendation for networking is to get involved with your alumni networks. Not only the alumni events sponsored by your alma maters, but perhaps you were a student leader at one of the many clubs or organizations. Get back in touch with the current student leadership. You may offer to speak on a panel or give a workshop on a topic that you are passionate about or or a subject matter expert in. Several years after I graduated from Harvard, while I was still living in the Boston area and working at Accenture, I gave a workshop to the students at the Asian American Association on "How to Give Effective Presentations".
Not only was this good practice for me to apply what I learned from a training session from Accenture, but it helped me to start building my credibility as a public speaker. A couple of years later, I gave a similar workshop at a National Association of Asian American Professional's annual conference in Los Angeles.
-Joshua Li
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Download a Free Copy of Virtual Handshake
This book contains some very good advice about online and offline networking, and a review of various online networking applications. It definitely worth taking a look!
-Joshua Li
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Network On A Cruise?
So, for example, Richmond Events will rent out a cruise ship for 3 days. It goes only a few miles off the coast of New York City. On board there are three separate networking conferences for different industries. The one that I'm looking into is the Corporate Counsel Forum. Basically, about 100 General Counsel or Associate Counsel (our key target buyers) from US corporations will be on board. Vendors, such as my company, will pay a hefty sum to set up dedicated meetings with the general counsels. In addition to the set meetings, there are also meal time networking and other social networking events.
Please email me if you have any experience with this type of executive level networking events, or experience with other conferences organized by Richmond Events. I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!
-Joshua Li
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Network With Members of the Press
One of the best networking events was organized by the company that put on Legal Tech, American Lawyer Media. On the second day, they invited vendors to have breakfast with the editors of the various ALM publications.
I met William Pollack, the President and CEO of ALM and Kevin Vermeulen, the VP and Group Publisher of the ALM Publications. I also met with the editors of the specific ALM publications that our clients read: Law Technology News, Corporate Counsel magazine, and e-Discovery Newsletter. I learned what each of the editors are looking for in terms of story ideas and press releases. Overall, it was a very productive breakfast networking event.
So, if you are ever at a trade show or conference, try to network with the conference organizers and/or editors of the journals in your industry. As you probably have heard many times, it is important to establish relationships with members of the press in your industry, because good press coverage is worth far more than advertising!