Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Network With Other Senior Executives

Last week I sent out an email via Plaxo to the 4000+ people in my address book, with my new work contact information, and requested that they send me their updated info as well. I then received an invitation from John Felter to check out an executives' networking group that he runs. John is a VP with Willis, one of the largest insurance brokers in the country. I attended the networking event tonight, and was very impressed by the calibre of the people there. I think that I will make it a point to attend regularly.

Here's a bit of what John wrote about the group:

Concept: The purpose of our group is to fellowship, exchange ideas, identify potential business opportunities, and educate ourselves about different industries.

Structure (limited structure):

1. Meet twice a month
2. Invitation only
3. B2B only
4. Quality business people
5. Limit the overlap of professions

The format was that everyone went around and introduced himself or herself very briefly. After everyone in the room finished (about 18 people), then we went around a second time. Each person then discussed his or her background or company's products and services in more detail. Also, each person can tell the others what kinds of professionals (by industry, type of role, or even specific companies) that they are looking to networking with. This kind of reminds me of the 1-page networking plan that I had developed and used.

So, if you are in New York and would like to find out more about this group, let me know and I can connect you with John. If you're not in New York, I recommend that you find something similar, or perhaps even better, you can start a networking group for executives!

-Joshua Li

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