Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Stay connected with people you meet at conferences

A long time ago, I met Tim Chang at an Entertainment and Media conference. Tim is a venture capitalist at Norwest Venture Partners (NVP). My usual habit is to invite the folks that I meet to keep in touch by connecting on LinkedIn. Tim graciously accepted my invitation.

A few months ago, Tim pinged me to see if I was attending a conference that he was speaking at. Although I wasn't planning to attend the conference, I used that opportunity to invite Tim to speak to the Asian American Google Network (AAGN).

Tim spoke to AAGN members from all over the country last week, and it was a smashing success! Tim's basic message to the predominantly Asian American audience was that we should continue to network with people in Asia Pacific, and leverage our unique cultural backgrounds and experiences. Right now in China, there are a lot of opportunities for "returnees".

The main point of this post is to encourage you to stay connected with people you meet at conferences. They can be super helpful in the future for your career development or networking.


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